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Who am I?

This blog examines the perpetual struggle we have within.

Our world is a whole of feelings, thoughts, and actions. From birth to death, we are an inter-play of these three aspects.   

Who I am has an inner meaning as well as an external meaning. The inner meaning searches for the person you would love to be – it is a search to hitherto unknown or known aspects, which got submerged into your subconscious mind. The external meaning is how others perceive you. The individual is typically keen on projecting the outer me and misguides self as searching for the inner me.  

Both are important. The external me has two aspects:  

  1. How the individual wants others to see/feel/think 

  2. How others see/feel/think about them – irrespective of whether s/he wants /likes. 

We only have a few choices in the second element. However, we have an option for the first element, which can bring some shift in how others would see/feel/think. 

When we explore the first element, overindulgence, or hyper-rationalization of "perceived perspectives" of self by others, we get trapped into a "pulling syndrome". ( we start behaving /conducting the way others want us to act/conduct and give numerous excuses to rationalize the emerging feelings, thoughts, and actions). 

Over a period, these "perceived perspectives" get hard-wired in us, and it becomes challenging to unwire. This results in a real struggle to explore further "who am I", and hence, will leave it halfway through. 

It needs courage, conviction, and perseverance to move in this direction.   The inner meaning of "Who am I?" delves into the depths of our being, seeking to unearth facets of ourselves that often lie dormant or unexplored. 

My name is my identity. My profession is my identity. My achievements are my identity. Or is it something else? Am I here to fill the void, or do I have any purpose? Do I l live the days and die when my time comes?

This inner exploration involves peeling back layers of conditioning and societal norms to reveal our authentic essence. It entails confronting our fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs and embracing our passions, values, and unique talents. Through introspection and self-reflection, we unravel the intricacies of our inner world, gaining insights into our true desires, motivations, and aspirations.

However, this journey of inner exploration requires courage and vulnerability. It entails facing our shadows and embracing our flaws and imperfections. It is a quest for meaning and purpose, a journey toward self-actualization and fulfillment - connecting with our innermost desires and aligning our actions with our deepest values. By embracing our inner truth, we cultivate a sense of authenticity and wholeness, empowering us to live a life aligned with our true selves.

Therefore, any person who wants to explore this aspect should first ask the following six questions, and if the answer is a resounding 'yes', then you are ready to proceed in this journey earnestly.

  • Have I gone through an initial process of understanding what it entails?

  • Do I have any felt need to explore the "real me"?

  • What did I want to explore?

  • Am I willing to trust the process without any judgments?

  • Did I identify any credentialed coach who would journey with me during this journey? 

  • Do I trust the coach entirely?  

Happy reflection.

Ref. :

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