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Embracing Equity!!

Writer's picture: P2B ConsultingP2B Consulting

The blog brings out the paradoxical aspect of Equity in our Society and how Coaching could be helpful for people who are serious about bringing out Equity in a system.

Recently, I attended a webinar on “Embracing Equity”, and the discussion started with an interesting question on women in general – “Who is going to let me stop”? and “Who is going to let me be?”.

These two questions made me reflect on the status of equity in our society – globally and locally. I thought of sharing a few perspectives of mine on this subject based on my exposure– i.e., my own experience, my observation, and stories I had listened to during my mentoring and coaching sessions and innumerable conversations I had with gents/women in a different context – social, corporate, and academic, government, learning from others, etc.

During the deliberation of this webinar, a few friends shared their personal stories with views on both the questions embedded in them. 

I have learned that society is not willing to provide “space” for people, irrespective of gender. The society does not allow people to be as they wanted to be. Then, a few people – regardless of gender, take the approach of “Who is going to let me stop”? With a sense of humility and purpose, I have observed that such people could create space for them in any context. Such success stories are known to most of us. Many were/are successful despite facing diverse, complex challenges on their destination journey. Some of them left the world, creating a legacy of their own. 

What helped them to make it happen:

  • An uncanny ability to listen with empathy

  • Ability to see what others could not see and appreciate others’ situations

  • Ability to articulate/dialogue their needs and influence the minds of others.

  • Immense focus on purpose with a sense of passion

  • Willingness to sacrifice

Many of us today presume that society “should” be equity and equality-based, and people “should” be treated with respect, dignity, etc. In all so-called intellectualized deliberations – “should” and “has to happen” come out a lot more than “will” and “can” with real-life experiences. Further, the struggle the individual who had experienced to overcome the challenges gets missed out in such rhetoric messages.

  • Can we bring any transformation based on such transactions?

  • Are we addressing our real challenge or social “illness”?

  • Are we willing to spearhead the transformation with the five qualities indicated above? 

  • Do we need ‘crutches’, ‘world “xxx” day’ etc. to remember and act on this?

  • What stops us from reaching out for the necessary support to create a sense of space within our known sphere of influence?

  • So on, So on…

We can implement many things where we have the sphere of influence.

However, a mind entangled in ‘past and present’, a mind that is steadfastly in a denial stage, does not bring any change.  

Leadership coaching is an enriching experience to unleash one’s internal dilemmas and emerge from the cobwebs created by a judgemental mind.

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